The Cold Truth: Blacks Invented Hockey


Who invented Hockey? And don’t give me that “it’s not important who invented it.” If it wasn’t as important as people try to pretend, then the truth would have long been common knowledge.

Four black families from Nova Scotia started the game of hockey way back in 1815. Since then there were black hockey leagues. Native Americans started playing too at one point. By the time the 1890’s came the sport began undergoing a takeover by Victorian bourgeois whites who later morphed it into the NHL and possibly destroyed much of the documented history of hockey.

As a result you have you white boys today being shocked at seeing one black player on a team (at least they did during the ’70’s when I was in high school) to cursing a lone black player for scoring the winning goal. This video sums up some research I did and names the offspring of four escaped slave families having moved to Halifax Nova Scotia playing this sport in the fall of 1815 with no record of hockey being played on any level before them; The Courney, Williams, Munro and Leale families were the earliest and likely founder/inventors of hockey.